Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mastering Linked in

Mastering Linked in is a challenging feat. From adding contacts, to updating your profile and adding your resume, there is so much you can do on Linked in to promote yourself professionally.  Pamela Vaughan created a Linked in cheat sheet last year for the Hub Spot Blog which is very useful for getting around Linked in.  Suggestions such as exporting contacts into Linked in and leveraging groups are a good idea to make the most of your Linked in experience.

Click here for the complete Linked in cheat sheet.

Cool Linked in Infographics

I found an interesting infographic for Linked in that I wanted to share.  Really cool information! Enjoy!

Why join Linked in?

Watch this quick one minute video about why you should join Linked in.

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my blog for my MMG 508 Information Research and Technology class (Summer 2012).  I will be researching the social media platform Linked In. From an overview, to how to use Linked In, and interesting tidbits and facts, you will find tons of information on the company.

                                                         Check back in often!!!